Hebrews 12:1-3

Hebrews 12:1-3

[1] Wherefore  seeing we also  are  compassed about  with so great  a cloud  of witnesses,  lay aside  every  weight,  and  the sin  which doth so easily beset  us, and let us run  with  patience  the race  that is set before  [2] Looking  unto  Jesus  the author  and  finisher  of our faith;  who  for  the joy  that was set before  him  endured  the cross,  despising  the shame,  and  is set down  at  the right hand  of the throne  of God.  [3] For  consider  him that endured  such  contradiction  of  sinners  against  ye be wearied  and faint  minds. 

What does Hebrews 12:1-3 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

One writer observed a chiastic structure in verses one and two.
"Therefore we,[1]having seated around about us such a cloud of witnesses,[2]setting aside every weight and every clinging sin ...[3]with patient endurance ...[4]let us run the race that is set before us[5]keeping our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of the faith,[6]who for the joy that was set before Him ...[7]patiently endured the cross ...[8]despising shame ...[9]and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." [10]
This structure focuses attention on the central element, Jesus, rather than on the first element, us. [11]
"It seems likely that here [5], as in1 , 3 [13], the author intentionally used poetic language to highlight and emphasize the significance of his theme: Jesus Christ is "better." Moreover, the balance and rhythm of the language make the text more esthetically attractive and provide a high degree of emotive impact. Thus the interpretation of the discourse by the intrusion of poetic language was bound to carry considerable impact and appeal ..." [14]
One writer argued that Hebrews 11:1 to Hebrews 12:2 is an encomium, a literary work in praise of someone or something, on Jesus. [2] Another saw this section as an encomium on faith. [11]