Mark 3:7-19

Mark 3:7-19

[7] But  Jesus  withdrew himself  with  his  disciples  to  the sea:  and  a great  multitude  from  Galilee  followed  him,  and  from  Judaea,  [8] And  from  Jerusalem,  and  from  Idumaea,  and  from beyond  Jordan;  and  they about  Tyre  and  Sidon,  a great  multitude,  when they had heard  what great things  he did,  came  unto  him.  [9] And  he spake  to his  disciples,  that  a small ship  should wait on  him  because  of the multitude,  they should throng  him.  [10] For  he had healed  many;  insomuch that  they pressed upon  him  for to  touch  him,  as many as  had  plagues.  [11] And  unclean  spirits,  when  they saw  him,  fell down before  him,  and  cried,  saying,  Thou  the Son  of God.  [12] And  he straitly  charged  them  make  him  known.  [13] And  he goeth up  into  a mountain,  and  calleth  unto him whom  he  would:  and  they came  unto  him.  [14] And  he ordained  twelve,  that  with  him,  and  that  them  forth  to preach,  [15] And  to have  power  and  to cast out  devils:  [16] And  Simon  he surnamed  Peter;  [17] And  James  the son  of Zebedee,  and  John  the brother  of James;  and  he surnamed  them  Boanerges,  The sons  of thunder:  [18] And  Andrew,  and  Philip,  and  Bartholomew,  and  Matthew,  and  Thomas,  and  James  the son  of Alphaeus,  and  Thaddaeus,  and  Simon  the Canaanite,  [19] And  Judas  Iscariot,  which  also  betrayed  him:  and 

What does Mark 3:7-19 Mean?

Contextual Meaning

This section is similar to Mark 1:14-20 in that it records a general description of Jesus" ministry ( Mark 3:7-12) and His calling of more disciples ( Mark 3:13-19).