Proverbs 5:18-23

Proverbs 5:18-23

[18] Let thy fountain  be blessed:  and rejoice  with the wife  of thy youth.  [19] Let her be as the loving  hind  and pleasant  roe;  let her breasts  satisfy  thee at all times;  and be thou ravished  always  with her love.  [20] And why wilt thou, my son,  be ravished  with a strange woman,  and embrace  the bosom  of a stranger?  [21] For the ways  of man  are before  the eyes  and he pondereth  all his goings.  [22] His own iniquities  shall take  the wicked  himself, and he shall be holden  with the cords  of his sins.  [23] He shall die  without instruction;  and in the greatness  of his folly  he shall go astray.