Exhaustive information for Strongs Number: 419

Word info for אֶלְדָּד

Root: אֶלְדָּד, אֱלִידָד
Strongs Number: 419
Transliteration: [ʾEldad]
Phonetics: el·dad
Etymology: From 410 and 1730
Parts of Speech: n pr m.
Sense: one of the two elders who prophesied in the Israelite camp (more info)

Outline of Biblical Usage:

   1 one of the two elders who prophesied in the Israelite camp.
   Additional Information: Eldad = “God has loved”.

Frequency in the Books

Words from the Root of H419

אֶלְדָּ֡ד, אֶלְדָּ֣ד

All words for strongs number H419 :

Word Occurance
אֶלְדָּ֡ד 1
אֶלְדָּ֣ד 1

How strongs number H419 is translated (KJV)

English Occurance
[was] eldad 1
eldad 1

Two strong number together

2 Verses with H419

Numbers 11:26
Literal: But had remained two men in the camp the name of one [was] Eldad and the name of the second Medad And rested upon them the Spirit and they [were] among those listed but not who had gone out to the tabernacle and yet they prophesied in the camp
KJV: But there remained  two  in the camp,  the name  of the one  was Eldad,  and the name  of the other  Medad:  and the spirit  rested  upon them; and they were of them that were written,  but went not out  unto the tabernacle:  and they prophesied  in the camp. 

Numbers 11:27
Literal: And ran a young man and told Moses and said Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp
KJV: And there ran  a young man,  and told  Moses,  and said,  Eldad  and Medad  do prophesy  in the camp. 

Old Testament (2)
Gen Exo Lev Num (2) Deut
Josh Judg Rth 1 Sam 2 Sam
1 Kgs 2 Kgs 1 Chron 2 Chron Ezra
Neh Esth Job Psa Prov
Eccles Song Isa Jer Lam
Ezek Dan Hos Joel Amos
Obad Jnh Micah Nah Hab
Zeph Haggai Zech Mal
New Testament
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Rom 1 Cor 2 Cor Gal Ephes
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2 Tim Titus Philem Hebrews James
1 Pet 2 Pet 1 John 2 John 3 John
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